
Users added on Study creation

Two user roles can be added to a study: Administrator and Suggested inspector

When a study is created, there will be two users already added by default:

  • RHDHV Admins - This user is internal and created to be able to provide technical support.
  • Study creator - This user will automatically be given both the Administrator and the Suggested inspector roles.

Adding more members

To add more members, click on the add members button on the study page.

This opens the members' popup which contains the already added members

Type on the input field the email address of the members you wish to add. Note that only RHDHV employees can be added to a study. This field will only accept emails ending with @rhdhv or

By default, the added members will obtain both roles: Administrator and suggested inspectors. Changes can be made to the roles added by deselecting roles before closing the dialog.

What can each role do?


Administrators can view and access the study and make any changes to its data: Name, description, tags, Business line, etc.
They can also add new members, change user roles, and remove users.

All administrators can change the study template's rules, and content.

Suggested inspectors

A suggested inspector is considered a pseudo-role. Users assigned only with this role, have the same rights in the domain manager as any non-member. They can only view the card of the study on the list.

However, people assigned with the suggested inspector role will be suggested automatically on the inspection's members' dialog. This way, the project administrator will easily see who can perform an inspection and add them without having to type their full email address.

Revoking roles and removing users

Any administrator can remove users or change their roles. When the Administrator role is revoked, the user will not be able to access the study anymore. Needless to say, the same happens when the user is removed completely from the application.

Leaving a study

When a user wants to leave a study, the user can remove him/herself. When this is done, a warning message will pop up to let the user know that they will not be able to access it again. If a user leaves a study, he/she will only be able to access it again when added by an administrator.