
A report is a document. Normally this document is your deliverable to the client. 

At the moment a report is a Word document but we are changing this soon.

You will notice that when you add an activity you immediately get a survey (sometimes called an inspection) form. By answering the questions in the survey you provide the necessary data from the report.

You can preview your report online your browser and you can download a Word version as well.

Creating a report consists of 2 steps.

1. Collect the data for a report

2. Finish the report

3. Publish the report

1. Collecting the data for your report

Open an activity by clicking on its card. The survey will open immediately. Proceed by answering the questions the survey is asking.

2. Finish the report

Unless specified otherwise, it is required to answer all the questions in a survey. 

If you do not you cannot download the report (the download button will show as not enabled). 

You can however always have a look at the online preview to see what the report will look like.

When all mandatory questions are answered the "Download Report" button on the left will be enabled. 

3. Publish the report

We are working on a ISO19560 compliant way to publish reports. For now you can simply download the report.